Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Chemistry Quiz - Monday, March 27th

All-Star students will take a Chemistry Quiz this Monday, March 27th to assess their skills in using the Periodic Table of Elements.  This is NOT an Open-Book style quiz.  Students will be provided with a copy of a Periodic Table and a calculator to use during the quiz.

Image result for atom

Study Guide:
A printed copy of this study guide was handed out during class on Monday, March 20th.

1.  Atoms
Notes:  Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons
Rules:  How to determine # of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons
Using the Periodic Table

2.  Organization of the Periodic Table
Notes:  Periods, Families/Group #/Name
Organization of the Elements on the Periodic Table

3.  Metals/Non-Metals/Metalloids
Notes:  Metals/Non-Metals T-chart

Additional resources can be found by clicking on the Chemistry Unit link on the right.
Extra help is available during your lunch period.  See Mrs. Cicione for a pass to attend.