Friday, March 10, 2017

Chemistry 1 Test - Friday, March 17th

All-star students will take the Chemistry 1 Test this Friday, March 17th.  As in the past, there will be some cumulative questions from units studied earlier this year.  This test is worth 100 points and is NOT an Open-Book style test. Students will need to study to achieve success.

Please bring a #2 pencil with you to class. Part of this test will be recorded onto a scantron answer sheet. Students should study everything in their science binder since the start of the Chemistry unit.  This includes Do Nows, handouts, packets, notes, homework assignments, and labs.

Study Guide
States of Matter
Law of Conservation of Matter
Measuring Matter - Vocabulary and Concepts
Density Calculation/Formula/Units
Density Column (Layered Liquid)
Estimating Density by Observing % Under Water 
Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical and Chemical Changes

Additional resources are available by clicking on "Unit 8:  Chemistry" in the toolbar on the right. 

Extra help is available during the student lunch period Monday through Thursday.  Please see Mrs. Cicione for a pass and bring your questions with you!