Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Circulatory System Study Guide: Test on Wednesday, Dec. 21st

All-Star students will take the Circulatory System Test next Wednesday, December 21st.  This test is worth 100 points and is not an open book style exam.

Students should study all of the material in their science binder:  notes, Do Nows, Handouts, Homework assignments, Labs, Quiz, and the review packet we will complete together during class on Tuesday.

Study Guide:

  • Functions of the Circulatory System
  • Components of Blood
  • Blood Types
  • Blood Vessels
  • The Heart
  • Diseases/Disorders
Remember:  Index Cards = +2pts

Additional resources that may be useful to you can be found by clicking, "Unit 4:  Circulatory System" in the margin on the right. 

Extra help is available during your lunch period on Monday and Tuesday.  Bring a list of your questions with you.  Please see Mrs. Cicione for a pass so to attend extra help.