Sunday, December 18, 2016

Circulatory System: Castle Learning Review Assignments

Reminder:  Circulatory System Test this Wednesday, December 21st

Today during science class students will gain a deeper understanding of the Circulatory Disorders/Diseases as we review your research packet homework, then complete an online review assignment using Castle Learning.  

This Castle Learning assignment is to be completed using your notes, in an Open-Book format.  It will be graded as a Quiz Grade.  It is due tomorrow, so work slowly and accurately.  If you need more time, finish it tonight at home for homework. 

There are two tasks to complete:
-40 multiple choice questions
-1 extended response question (pathway of blood)

Use all of your resources to help you in completing this work:  Science Binder, Mrs. Cicione's Blog Website, and Google (as a last resort).  Remember, these assignments will be graded! 

To access the assignments, visit
Log In using this format for your username
scsd._____________ (fill in the blank with your school network username)

You set your password earlier this year.  It should be set as the same password you use to access the computers on the school network.