Final Exam Resources

At the end of the school year, all 7th grade students will take a Science Final Exam that consists of a skills portion and a written portion.

     Part 1:  Lab Practical Skills Exam (takes place mid May)
     Part 2:  Written Exam (takes place in June)


Part 1 of the Exam is a lab practical portion
 where you will be assessed on your lab skills.  We will be preparing for this portion of the exam in class as there is little that you can practice on your own at home. 

Online resources such as these are useful and are recommended for practice: 

Part 2 of the Exam is the Written (Extended Response and Multiple Choice) portions of the Final Exam.  

These written portions will be comprehensive and challenging. You will need to study at home to properly prepare for them.  You will also spend time during science class preparing for these parts of the exam.



These are the ANSWERS to the Astronomy Review Pages

Body Systems

These are the ANSWERS to the Body Systems Review Pages


These are the ANSWERS to the Chemistry Review Pages  

Website Resources:
     Please visit the links on the right side of this blog to review/study
     the material learned in class this year.  There are lots of resources
     available to you. 

     You may also visit these recommended websites for additional