Friday, March 31, 2017

Cumulative Chemistry Test - Friday, April 7th

Students should study all of the Chemistry material in their binder since the start of the unit.  This includes notes, do nows, homework assignments, labs, lab manual pages, and handouts.  If you have been absent from school, it is your responsibility to make up the work you have missed.  It will be included on the Test.

Image result for chemistry

Study Guide
-States of Matter
-Law of Conservation of Matter
-Physical and Chemical Changes/Properties
-Periodic Table Skills
-Electron Shell Diagrams
-Forming Compounds
-Counting Elements and Atoms
-Types of Reactions
-Rate of Reactions
-Interpreting Solubility
-Chemistry Vocabulary on pg 52

Extra help is available during your lunch period on Friday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Additional resources are available by clicking on the link in the right toolbar.