Monday, October 31, 2016

Nutrition Unit Test - Monday, November 7th

All-Star students will take the Nutrition Test this Monday, November 7th.  This test is worth 100 points and is NOT an open book exam.

Students should study all of the material in their science binder:  notes, do nows, homework assignments, and labs.

Nutrition Test Study Guide
-Food and Energy Packet
-Six Essential Nutrients Notes (Carbs, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, and Water)
-Food Labels
-Deficiency Diseases/Disorders (Osteoporosis, Scurvy, Goiter, Rickets)
-Calculating % of fat in a serving of food using the formula learned in class
-Nutrient Testing Lab (Testing Cafeteria Foods) - this includes vocabulary such as "precipitate", the chemical indicators used to test for each nutrient, and determining positive/negative results using a data table
-Stations Review Packet (Fast Food Analysis, Caffeine, Nutrient Health Claims, etc)

10 or more Index Cards = + 2 points

Additional resources that may be useful to you can be found by clicking on "Unit 2:  Nutrition" in the margin on the right.

Extra help is available during your lunch period every day this week.  Please bring your questions with you.  See Mrs. Cicione for a pass to attend extra help.