Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday, 10/17 Class Information

Monday 10/17/16 in the Computer Lab

1.  Copy down your homework into your agenda.
Finish BOTH castle learning assignments
Unit test on Cells is WEDNESDAY – If you make 10 or more index cards, you will receive 2 points on your test!
Extra help will be tomorrow during your lunch period! Sign up sheet will be downstairs in the cafeteria with the room number on it.  Come with questions! J
Scientific Sherlock #21-24 due THURSDAY!
Your username is scsd.(your first initial and your ID number. DO NOT FORGET TO PUT THE PERIOD AFTER SCSD) ex) scsd.d123456
You are then going to leave the password section BLANK and click Sign In.
It will then prompt you to put in a password. USE YOUR COMPUTER LOG IN PASSWORD!!!!
4)  Once you are logged in, Click on Mrs. Cicione’s Class. You will see TWO assignments. One is 40 multiple choice questions and the other is 4 extended response questions. You must complete BOTH of them tonight for homework.
**You have two tries to get the answer right – If you get it right on the second try, you get half credit. This will count as a Classwork/Lab assignment in the gradebook.