Monday, September 19, 2016

Science Quiz this Friday, September 23rd

All-Star students will take their first science quiz this Friday, 9/23.  This is NOT an open book style quiz.  Students are encouraged to start reviewing the concepts early in the week and attend extra help during 6th period any day this week, if needed.

Study Topics:
Metric Measurement
    -using a metric ruler to measure a specific item
    -using a metric ruler to draw a specific size item
    -converting cm to mm and mm to cm
Lab Safety Skills
    -review of Smithtown Lab Safety Agreement rules
    -determine if safety rules are being used in sample situations
Scientific Method
    -know the correct order of Scientific Method
    -be prepared to identify each of the steps of Scientific Method
Variables/Experimental Vocabulary
    -independent/dependent variables

Students should review all of the material in their binder on each of these four topics.  This includes handouts, worksheets, do nows, homework assignments, etc.