Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Cumulative Chemistry Test, This Tuesday, 4/12

All-star students will take the Cumulative Chemistry Test on Tuesday, April 12th.  This test is worth 100 points and is NOT an open book test.  It will contain some cumulative questions.  Please bring a #2 pencil to class.  This test will be recorded onto a scantron answer sheet.  Index cards = +2pts.  Students should study all of the material in their binder.  Students were reminded to take their binder home this weekend so that they could spend some time studying.
Study Guide:
-States of Matter
-Law of Conservation of Mass
-Physical and Chemical Changes
-Periodic Table
-Electron Shell Diagrams
-Counting Elements and Atoms
-Types of Chemical Reactions
-Rate of Reactions
-Interpreting Solubility
-Chemistry Vocabulary
Additional resources that may be useful can be found by clicking, "Unit 8:  Chemistry" in the margin on the right.