Saturday, December 26, 2015

Respiratory/Excretory "Combined" Test - Fri., Jan. 8

All-Star students will take the Respiratory and Excretory Systems combined test on Friday, January 8, 2016.  This test is worth 100 points and is NOT an open book test.  It will contain some cumulative questions from previous units we have studied this year.

Please bring a #2 pencil to class.  Part of the test will be recorded onto a scantron answer sheet.  You will be asked to create a graph and will NOT be provided with a graphing checklist.
Index cards = +2pts

Students should study all of the material in their binder for both of these units; this includes do nows, notes, homework, labs, and handouts.

Study Guide:
Respiratory Organs - common names and scientific names, notes, and diagram
Pathway of air into and out of the human body
Bell Jar Model - demonstration worksheet, diaphragm/rib cage movement during inhale and exhale
        Inhale:  Lungs inflate, diaphragm contracts           Exhale:  Lungs deflate, diaphragm relaxes
Respiratory Disorders - Asthma, Pneumonia, Emphysema, and Lung Cancer
*Goldfish Respiration Lab*
Excretory Organs - notes and diagram
Pathway of Urine out of the human body
*Chemical Wastes Removed from the Body Lab*