Thursday, November 27, 2014

Circulatory System Quiz - this Friday, Dec. 5th

Our next quiz will be on Friday, December 5th.  It is NOT an "Open Notebook" quiz.  You will need to study for this quiz.  Study all of the material in your science binder.  This includes Do Nows, handouts, notes, labs, and homework assignments.  

Quiz topics will include Blood Components (parts), Blood Types, Blood Vessels, and the Heart.  

Additional resources that may be useful to you can be found by clicking on "Unit 4:  Circulatory" in the margin on the right.  Extra help is available during your lunch period.  

Please note the All-Star Extra Help Schedule below:

If you have lunch during period 5:  A days Math and Social Studies
                                                        B days Science and English

If you have lunch during period 6:   A days Science and English
                                                         B days Math and Social Studies