Thursday, October 23, 2014

Nutrition Unit Test - this Thursday, October 30th

All-Star students will take the Nutrition Test this Thursday, October 30th. This test is worth 100 points and is NOT an open book exam. 

Students should study all of the material in their binder; notes, do nows, homework assignments, and labs.   Additional resources that may be useful to you can be found by clicking on "Unit 2:  Nutrition" in the margin on the right.  

Extra help is available during your lunch period, please bring a list of your questions with you. Mrs. Cicione is not available this week, but Mrs. Feirstein and Mrs. Stack are available.  Please see them for a pass to attend extra help.

Nutrition Test Study Guide
-Six Essential Nutrients
-Reading Food Labels
-Food Label lesson (ex:  identifying nutritional values found on a food label)
-Fast Food Analysis (ex:  making healthier nutritional choices from the menu) 
-Nutrient Testing Lab (ex:  indicators used to test for each nutrient, determining positive/negative results)
-Calculating % of Fat in a serving of food
-Deficiency Diseases/Disorders

*index cards = +2 bonus points