Thursday, January 2, 2014

Respiratory/Excretory Test - Thursday, January 9, 2014

All-Star students will take the Respiratory and Excretory Systems Test this Thursday, January 9th. This test is worth 100 points and will contain some cumulative questions from previous units we have studied this year.

Please bring a #2 pencil to class.  Part of the test will be recorded onto a scantron answer sheet.  This test will also include a section where you will be asked to create a graph WITHOUT the assistance of a graphing checklist.    

Index Cards= +2 pts

Students should study all of the material in their binder for both of these units; do nows, notes, homework assignments, labs, and handouts.
Study Guide:
Respiratory organs and diagram
Pathway of air
Bell Jar Model (demonstration/worksheet)
Respiratory Diseases/Disorders
Excretory organs and diagram
Labs:  Goldfish Respiration and Chemical Wastes

Extra help is available during your lunch period.   Additional resources that may be useful can be found by clicking on “Unit 5: Respiratory/Excretory Systems" in the margin on the right.