Sunday, December 1, 2013

Circulatory System Test - This Friday, December 6th

All-Star students will take the Circulatory System Test this Friday, December 6th. This test is worth 100 points and will contain some cumulative questions from previous units we have studied this year.  Please bring a #2 pencil to class.  Part of the test will be recorded onto a scantron answer sheet.   
Index Cards= +2 pts

**Current Events will be presented on THURSDAY this week since we are having the test on Friday.**

Students should study all of the material in their binder; do nows, notes, homework assignments, labs, and handouts.

Study Guide: 
· Function of Blood
· Components of Blood
oCells (RBC, WBC, Platelets) = 45%
§ Know the structure and function of each
§ Where are blood cells produced?
oPlasma = 55%
§ What is the major component of plasma?
§ What dissolved substances are traveling in the plasma?
· Blood Types
oWhat determines blood type?
oWhat is present on the RBC of type:
§ A?
§ B?
§ AB?
§ O?
oWhat is the Rh factor?   How does this factor affect blood type?
oBlood Transfusions (ABO Blood Type Lab)
§ What happens if an individual receives the wrong blood type in a transfusion?
§ What blood type is the universal donor? Why?
§ What blood type is the universal recipient? Why?
· Blood Vessels
oPurpose of blood vessels in the body
oStructure and function of arteries
oStructure and function of capillaries
oStructure and function of veins
oWhen blood leaves the heart what is the order of blood vessels the blood travels through before returning to the heart again?
oWhat is blood pressure?   Which blood vessels have the highest?   lowest?
oWhere can a pulse be found?
oWhat determines pulse rate?
oHow can activity level effect heart/pulse rate? (Heart Rate Lab)
· Heart
o4 Chambers
oLocation/Function of Atrium
oLocation/Function of Ventricles
oLocation/Function of Valves
oLocation/Function of Septum
oWhich chambers contain oxygen poor blood? oxygen rich blood?
· Pathway of Blood Flow
oBe able to trace the pathway of blood flow given a starting point any place in the circulatory system
§ Include all structures blood is flowing through (heart chambers, blood vessels, organs ,etc.)
§ Indicate where blood is oxygen poor and oxygen rich
§ Where does the exchange of materials occur?
· Disorders  -  know the description of:
§ Hypertension (high blood pressure)
§ Atherosclerosis/Arteriosclerosis
§ Arrhythmia
§ Stroke

Extra help is available during your lunch period on Wednesday and Thursday, December 4th and 5th.   Additional resources that may be useful can be found by clicking on “Unit 4: Circulatory System" in the margin on the right.