Monday, November 28, 2016

Castle Learning Digestive System Review

Today during science class you will visit the computer lab to complete a review assignment using Castle Learning.  This is an Open-Book assignment, and it will be graded as a Quiz Grade.   It is due tomorrow, so you can work on it tonight at home.

There are two assignments to complete.
-40 multiple choice questions
-1 extended response question

Use all of your resources to help you in completing this work:  Science Binder, Mrs. Cicione's Blog Website, and Google (as a last resort).

To access the assignment, visit

Image result for castle learning

Log In using this format for your username  

scsd._____________ (fill in the blank with your school network username

You set your password earlier this year.  It should be set as the same password you use to access the computers on the school network.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

All-Star students will take the Digestive System Test this Wednesday, November 30th.  This test is worth 100 points and is NOT an open book exam.

Students should study all of the material in their binder: Notes, Do Nows, Handouts, Homework assignments, Labs, Quiz, and the Review Packet we will do in class on Monday.

Study Guide
-Functions of the digestive system
-Digestive system diagram
-All digestive organs
-Enzymes (amylase & pepsin) and chemicals that help with digestion
-Order of digestion (Hamburger Essay)
-Villi and the Small Intestine
-Accessory Organs

Remember... Index Cards = +2 bonus points

Additional resources that may be useful to you can be found by clicking on "Unit 3:  Digestion" in the margin on the right.

Extra help is available during your lunch period on Monday, and Tuesday.  Bring a list of your questions with you.  Please see Mrs. Cicione for a pass to attend extra help.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Digestive System Quiz - Thursday, 11/17

All-Star students will take the Digestive System Quiz this Thursday, 11/17.  This is NOT an Open-Book style Quiz.  You will need to study to achieve success on this Quiz.
Study Guide:  
Study all digestive system material in your binder since the start of this unit on 11/9/16.  This includes all notes, handouts, do nows, homework assignments, etc.

Study the

*Special focus will be placed on "mouth to stomach" in terms of enzymes, types of digestion occurring, peristalsis, etc.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Chew It Up Song!

If one of these links doesn't work on your computer at home, please try another.
If none open up for you on your computer, please email Mrs. Cicione and she will email you 
a copy of the song directly.  Have fun!

This Q2 extra credit assignment is due by Thanksgiving.  You can either perform it 'live' for the class or make a video of it and bring it to class.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

FALL Field Trip Video!